14 05, 2021

The Denial of Christ Come in the Flesh

By |2021-05-14T01:57:11+00:00May 14th, 2021|Theology|

The above is the Vatican's official advertisement for their May 2021 Health Conference.  It is clearly a mockery of the Creazione di Adamo painted in the Sistine Chapel of the Vatican around 1510 by Michelangelo.  Archbishop Viganò recently wrote that the hands of God and Adam being covered by latex gloves show "the regulations of the new 'health liturgy'" and imply "that even the Lord Himself might spread the virus." Archbishop Viganò also wrote in the above link:  "At La Salette, Our Lady warned us: 'Rome will lose the Faith and become the seat of the Antichrist.' It will not be the Holy Church, indefectible by the promises of Christ, that will [...]

4 05, 2021

Totalitarianism Must Be Total

By |2021-05-04T02:48:29+00:00May 4th, 2021|Theology|

The above picture I snapped while traveling in New Orleans.  I'm not sure why it was necessary to put that up since nearly no one in New Orleans dares to go into a restaurant without a mask.  It's not like the above picture is actually stopping this imaginary 50% of the population of "right-wing science-deniers" who would "endanger the average population" in the overwhelming fear still set in motion on this coronavirus "pandemic" that has allegedly "overwhelmed the hospitals."  Rather, the above sign of No Mask, No Service is simply a reminder that the shop-owners are in cahoots with the brainwashing team. The above picture I also took in New [...]

27 04, 2021

God Wants To Save Us From Ourselves

By |2021-04-27T01:57:33+00:00April 27th, 2021|Theology|

A wise philosopher who taught me at Boston College was once asked at a public talk, "Why does man sin?" The philosopher thought about it and said, "I suppose that is the one thing that even God Himself does not know, as we see in what He says to do the damned, I do not know you. (cf Mt 25:12) Even if not dogmatically true, it's at least "poetically true" that perhaps even God Himself does not know why man sins.  Indeed, if God made man for Himself, then to turn from Eternal Love Himself is so foolish as to be incomprehensible to, well, Eternal Truth Himself.   We know that on the [...]

15 04, 2021

Immune System Thoughts from a Mayo-Trained Pathologist

By |2021-04-15T06:11:04+00:00April 15th, 2021|Theology|

Dr. Ryan Cole MD founder of Cole Diagnostics is a Mayo clinic trained board-certified pathologist who has seen 350,000 patients and tested 100,000 COVID-19 tests in the past year. Dr. Cole MD is not an anti-vaxxer and yet he speaks very clearly about coronavirus and its easy solutions.  Anyone pregnant and anyone hoping to get pregnant should watch this video: https://rumble.com/embed/vcv8r5/?pub=4

8 04, 2021

UK Gov’t Reports Pfizer Vaccine’s “Adverse Reactions”

By |2021-04-08T02:13:27+00:00April 8th, 2021|Theology|

Compare this: https://twitter.com/abirballan/status/1379436287107559427?s=20 to this: Looks like God will not bless a vaccine taken from lines of babies dissected while alive for their "life-giving science."  Also, as many of you already know, even the former Pfizer-VP has claimed the vaccine will lead to massive-scale depopulation.

4 04, 2021

The Courage of the Resurrection!

By |2021-04-04T22:06:13+00:00April 4th, 2021|Theology|

This is the best thing I have seen since the scamdemic started.  This Polish pastor kicks the Covidocracy Keystone Cops out, yelling "Gestapo!" and "Nazis!" at them. https://rumble.com/embed/vcqn5j/?pub=4 When I shared the above link on Facebook, someone told me he was a Protestant Pastor. I have never heard of a Polish Protestant Pastor, but if he is not Catholic, we have to ask: When are all Catholic priests going to stand up for their flock like this? Anyway, we're not afraid of a flu when Christ has conquered death either.  Here is where I spent my first Solemn High Mass Triduum as Celebrant and also here below as sub-deacon for [...]

27 03, 2021

Life Update 2021.03.27

By |2021-03-25T17:33:03+00:00March 27th, 2021|Life|

Vaccine vs. Ivermectin The 512th reason I won't take the Covid vaccine is because people are hawking it in front of supermarkets on a poster boards that look slightly less professional that what the Girl Scouts would use: I took this picture of a shady drug deal outside a Denver supermarket last week. Instead, I will be taking this if I catch COVID-19: Please be aware of four other things: 1. Don't take the horse medicines of Ivermectin. It might be too strong for the human liver.  A nurse friend sent me the above ivermectin that I snapped it a picture. Notice:  Made for humans, not horses. 2. The [...]

26 03, 2021

“Take Away Both Our Place and Our Nation”

By |2021-03-27T12:53:44+00:00March 26th, 2021|Theology|

From today's Gospel in the Friday of Passiontide we read: So the chief priests and the Pharisees gathered the council and said, “What are we to do? For this Man performs many signs. If we let Him go on like this, everyone will believe in Him, and the Romans will come and take away both our place and our nation."—John 11:47-48 As Passion week ramps up its tension against Jesus, we are given a rare glimpse into the mind of the Jewish hierarchy today in the 1st century. We know the Pharisees were already willing to kill Jesus out of jealousy, but today we are given an additional reason: They [...]

26 03, 2021

TCE 16: Navy SEAL Speaks on the State of the State

By |2021-03-26T11:50:47+00:00March 26th, 2021|Podcasts, Sermons, Talks|

Part two of two with Mike who is a highly decorated Navy SEAL and who, before retirement, had commanded SEAL Team Six as well as counter-terrorist task forces in crisis via contingency operations through 13 deployments to Bosnia, Afghanistan, Iraq, and southeast Asia. https://youtu.be/x-8sknJX-6Q    

23 03, 2021

Why the Left’s Fake Moral-Panic Is Directly From Hell

By |2021-03-24T17:28:09+00:00March 23rd, 2021|Theology|

Even Washington Post admits that "both Hitler and Stalin were outdone by Mao Zedong. From 1958 to 1962, his Great Leap Forward policy led to the deaths of up to 45 million people – easily making it the biggest episode of mass murder ever recorded." Mao Zedong killed more people than Hitler.  Remember that as you read this blog post. Mao Zedong was a master of turning people-against-people under the pretense of moral purification.  One of these sanctimonious moral issues that meant nothing to Mao (but allowed him to keep killing people while looking holy) was the plight of African-Americans.  He wrote this pamphlet you can still find on Amazon: One [...]

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