TCE 56: True Ecumenism
What kind of people will we win to Catholicism if we put relativism first? If we put objective truth first?
What kind of people will we win to Catholicism if we put relativism first? If we put objective truth first?
On why the Son of God chose to die as a slave before rising from the dead, and why modern martyrs will follow in His footsteps on both. (Correction: I said St. Mark's feast is coming up, but it's today.)
How do you maintain your convictions when your culture is smothered?
Recently on his show, Bill Maher shocked his audience in admitting that pro-lifers are correct: "They think it’s murder—and it kind of is." The audience enters a nervous silence. Then he adds a shocking line: "I’m just okay with that." The audience enters another nervous silence, not sure if he's joking. But he is not. He adds: "There’s 8 billion people in the world. I’m sorry, we won’t miss you.” Wow. Bill Maher ADMITS abortion is “murder” and that he is “okay with that.” “I can respect the absolutist position. I really can... They think it’s murder—and it kind of is. I’m just okay with that. There’s 8 billion people [...]
Mr. Jesse Romero and Mr. Paul Clay and I discuss: Why do American evangelicals see the need to maintain a strong military state in Israel? Is there one or three "Abrahamic Religions"? The Biblical answer leads into no salvation outside the Catholic Church. Shorty version:
Can you be a loving heresy-hunter?
The theology behind US being in the current conflict.
We clergy must return to being God-centered instead of man-centered. Maybe Monday will be the day.
On the YouTube channel Avoiding Babylon, I have been joining my friends Anthony and Rob to have a Catholic discussion about a good movie (some of which are Catholic and some of which are not.) We usually do this on the last Thursday of the month, and we call it our Faith in Film series. Tap the top left of any box to leave my site for their channel: A Man for All Seasons: Padre Pio: Miracle Man: The Island (Russian): I Confess by Hitchcock: Hacksaw (Live): Hacksaw (Pre-recorded) The Mission: Becket: For Greater Glory:
You always take the most fire over the target. My Telegram channel: