23 01, 2025

Catholicism Is “the Eternal Gospel.”

By |2025-01-23T17:59:45+00:00January 23rd, 2025|Theology|

Recently, while reading the Book of the Apocalypse (the last book in the Bible frequently called "Revelation" by Protestants) I noticed the astonishing Greek words εὐαγγέλιον αἰώνιον (Apo 14:6) translated into the Latin as evangelium aeternum meaning "The Eternal Gospel" in English.  Upon reading that, I realized it was the very best definition of Catholicism, namely, the Eternal Gospel precisely because Divine Revelation cannot change (Mal 3:6.) If you look up catholic in a dictionary, you will find the word universal as one of the main definitions of the word.  This refers to catholic in general.  (Notice, I did not capitalize the word catholic in the two previous sentences.)  Thus, [...]

22 10, 2024

Dogma Evolves As Well As a Species

By |2024-10-22T12:40:31+00:00October 22nd, 2024|Theology|

p/c Nordic Biosite Dr. David Hillel Gelernter Ph. D is a Jewish man who is professor of computer science at Yale University.  At one point, he believed in Darwinian evolution.  But in 2019 he wrote a groundbreaking article called Giving Up Darwin that reveals his reversal on this.  It is probably my favorite proof against species-based evolution because it is neither biological nor theological, but rather mathematical.  I encourage you to read the entire article, but one excellent paragraph reads thus: "Do the numbers balance out? Is Neo-Darwinian evolution plausible after all? Axe reasoned as follows. Consider the whole history of living things—the entire group of every living organism ever. [...]

17 10, 2024

Heresies Always Start Small

By |2024-10-18T01:28:23+00:00October 17th, 2024|Theology|

The Council of Nicea teaches that God the Son exists as one substance (homoousian) with God the Father, even though they are different persons of the Blessed Trinity. The word homoousian is Greek for consubstantial in Latin (which you say or sing every Sunday or Feast day at Holy Mass during the Creed.)  To deny the persons of the Trinity being consubstantial is to deny both the Divinity of Christ and the Blessed Trinity. This fact of orthodox Catholicism seems obvious to most Catholics today who have taken even one week of Christology classes at a Catholic University or seminary.  But in the fourth century, the heretic Arius denied this, [...]

15 10, 2024

Stop Compromising on These Two Commandments!

By |2024-10-15T16:00:45+00:00October 15th, 2024|Theology|

Featured image above shows two stained glass windows in the "Mary Keane Chapel" at the "La Salette Shrine" in Enfield, New Hampshire. There is a little-known but Vatican-approved apparition called Our Lady of La Salette.  Catholic Straight Answers explains the basics: "On Saturday afternoon, September 19, 1846, two children– Maximin Guiraud (age 11) and Melanie Calvat (age 14)– were tending sheep for their employers near La Salette in the French Alps. The effects of the French Revolution which had terrorized the Church, the blood spilt during the reign of Napoleon, the increasing secularization of social thought, and the rising political turmoil enveloping Europe had taken a serious toll on the [...]

23 05, 2024

Did Christ’s Nature Change at His Baptism?

By |2024-05-20T17:59:23+00:00May 23rd, 2024|Theology|

One of the more common heresies over the last 50 years goes something like, "Jesus discovered His vocation at His baptism." Of course, that denies the Divinity of Christ.  But a reader recently told me about the opposite heresy she came across.  She saw that I recently said on social media that I do not read Private Messages (PM) or Direct Messages (DM.) So, she saw my email is on my Donate page. She wrote: Hello Father Nix. I enjoy your posts and podcasts I just saw your recent Facebook post regarding social media messages. I had sent you the following message on April 26. I’d like your input because [...]

17 04, 2024

Indifferentism on “Abrahamic Religions” From Virgin Most Powerful Radio

By |2024-04-19T19:06:38+00:00April 17th, 2024|Podcasts, Sermons, Talks|

Mr. Jesse Romero and Mr. Paul Clay and I discuss: Why do American evangelicals see the need to maintain a strong military state in Israel? Is there one or three "Abrahamic Religions"? The Biblical answer leads into no salvation outside the Catholic Church. Shorty version: https://youtu.be/e9bB4ruUU9Q?si=O_mYAllkUKSy55fi

16 04, 2024

God: Spes Única Mundi

By |2024-04-17T14:25:10+00:00April 16th, 2024|Theology|

p/c R.P. at Holy Ghost. The pre-55 Easter Vigil's 12th Prophesy (sung before Holy Mass) ends with a prayer naming God as the "Only Hope of the World" (Spes Única Mundi.) I went to that very long vigil on Saturday night at a traditional parish in my area and then on Sunday Morning, I offered my own low Mass in my hermitage. Later that day, I started wondering if I was too heard on modernism.  Ultimately, my conclusion was:  Yes, in personal conversations.  No, in my online apostolate of Church reform. One of the reasons I came to the latter conclusion was thinking about how slowly many of the Eastern [...]

8 04, 2024

Three Heresies in “Dignitas Infinita.”

By |2024-04-09T12:03:25+00:00April 8th, 2024|Theology|

The newly-invented "DDF" just released Dignitas Infinita. It has many heresies, but we'll just tackle a few below: Error 1: "The glorious Christ will judge by the love of neighbor that consists in ministering to the hungry, the thirsty, the stranger, the naked, the sick, and the imprisoned, with whom he identifies (cf. Mt. 25:34-36). For Jesus, the good done to every human being, regardless of the ties of blood or religion, is the single criterion of judgment."—DI #12. Truth #1:  The interesting thing is that I "called it" even before it came out.  In a recent Video Lectio Divina I did on Matthew 25, I explained how modernist heretics [...]

2 04, 2024

The Resurrection of the Church

By |2024-08-31T03:31:54+00:00April 2nd, 2024|Theology|

On Palm Sunday, a donor and friend texted me an excerpt from The Familiar Explanation of Christian Doctrine written by Rev. Michael Müller, C.SS.R in 1876.  I know we all have a tendency to skip long "copy-and-pastes" on blogs we visit, but I really hope you read this Question/Answer on the indefectibility of the Catholic Church, for you will see:  As Christ raised Himself by His Divine Power, so also, Jesus Christ will raise us out of this Church crisis. Familiar Explanation of Christian Doctrine” by Rev. Michael Müller, C.SS.R., 1876 Lesson VII.—The Roman Catholic Church Cannot Be Destroyed Q. What is the world in which we live? A. It [...]

7 03, 2024

Is the Eucharist a “Prize For the Perfect”?

By |2024-03-05T05:30:51+00:00March 7th, 2024|Theology|

Many modernist-heretics since the 1970s have purposefully conflated the requirement to receive Holy Communion in a state of grace with the notion of receiving Holy Communion in a state of perfection.  This is purposeful and diabolical ambiguity.  The Bible and the Catholic Church have always taught that one must receive Holy Communion in "a state of grace."  One need not be in a "state of perfection" (normally seen as the unitive stage of prayer, or the religious state or the state of being a bishop) to receive Holy Communion. In light of the above purposeful-conflation, modernist heretics since the 1970s have often said things like "The Eucharist is not a [...]

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