20 06, 2024

Bad and Good Catholic Art

By |2024-06-19T15:30:50+00:00June 20th, 2024|Theology|

The top-left picture was drawn by Fr. Mario Rupnik SJ.  The top-right is an icon I snapped at the Greek Catholic Church in Athens earlier this year.  National Catholic Register wrote about the Jesuit who drew the above left picture: "Father Rupnik, a priest and artist, has been accused of spiritual, psychological, and sexual abuse of religious sisters. He was removed from the Jesuits last June."  Even the Knights of Columbus wanted his removed from the National Basilica in DC as Detroit Catholic reported.  It's unfortunate that "art" which mocks Our Lord and Our Lady and the saints is asked to be removed only once "the artist" is found to [...]

7 10, 2022

My Favorite Full-Length Movies on YouTube

By |2022-10-07T04:32:13+00:00October 7th, 2022|Theology|

Note: Click on the title of any movie embedded in a blog to leave it and go straight to YouTube. https://youtu.be/cYbXeN_I2KE Padre Pio: Miracle Man. Padre Pio is played by Sergio Castellitto in this movie produced in 2000. Italians tend to make film of saints that either get the natural right or the supernatural right, but this gets both right on Padre Pio. It's 3.5 hours long. I don't think any Padre Pio flick will soon top Miracle Man starring Castellitto. Regarding a newer production on the life of the great saint of Padre Pio, I wrote a month ago on social media that I believe Shia LaBeouf's conversion is genuine, [...]

3 04, 2019

Church Structures and Supernatural Faith

By |2019-04-03T20:31:21+00:00April 3rd, 2019|Theology|

About 15 years ago, I went to Colorado Springs to visit both the Focus on the Family Visitor Center and New Life Church. The latter is a Protestant community nearby with nearly 14,000 congregants. I always half-joke that Colorado Springs is the "Protestant Vatican," but I am half-serious: These two centers alone are the engines for countless missions in dozens of countries, not to mention the hundreds of other Protestant communities in Colorado Springs. In Colorado Springs, many Catholics might be surprised to see that Protestants have a relatively unabashed approach to "sacramentals." Many Protestant Mega-Church communities now sell "holy water" from the Jordan and "holy oil" made from olives [...]

11 11, 2015

Should We Sell Vatican Art for the Poor?

By |2015-11-21T00:06:51+00:00November 11th, 2015|Theology|

This actually isn't a debate coming out of Rome these days (thankfully) but I write about it because most of you have heard this question from some family member or a person on a plane at one point.  Should we sell Vatican Art for the Poor?  Of course, my answer is "No," but I want to give you some new answers for your friends. 1) The first great commandment comes before the second great commandment.  Jesus said: “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it: [...]

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