19 03, 2024

Don’t Be Afraid of the Natural Sciences

By |2024-03-20T07:55:27+00:00March 19th, 2024|Theology|

I frequently hear traditional Catholics say something like, "The natural sciences are inferior and subject to the theological sciences." While this is true, many traditional Catholics often imply there is a contradiction between science and Divine Revelation. Or some believe if there ever were to be found to be a contradiction between biology and religion, religion trumps science. This also is true, but the contradiction is often framed by traditional Catholics as if there really could be a contradiction between our Catholic faith and the natural sciences. (By natural sciences, I mean biology, chemistry, astronomy, geology, meteorology, genetics, etc.) The fear of leftists treating science as a religion is well-founded [...]

14 03, 2024

Mr. Morrow’s Near-Death Experience of Hell

By |2024-03-14T13:04:34+00:00March 14th, 2024|Theology|

Mr. Dominic Morrow was a Chicago gangster who was shot twice in the stomach.  He died and went to experience an antechamber to hell, but Our Lord gave him another chance as his soul returned to his body in the hospital where he had arrested. Dominic was not a Christian before his near-death experience (NDE.)  Now, he is a Christian, but still not Catholic. Nevertheless, his account of what he saw in hell conforms to what I have read in the Church Fathers and St. Thomas Aquinas. It even supports what the mystics of the Catholic Church have stated in their visions of hell.  One small example is that he [...]

12 03, 2024

Relevance, Compromise and Conversion

By |2024-03-13T03:48:58+00:00March 12th, 2024|Theology|

The Bad News: The above picture is a French Catholic priest recently snapped. According to the caption I read online, his Mass vestments reflect the uniform of the French soccer (football) team.  There are not many young people around him as you can see.  Clergy seeking "relevance" among peers in modern culture has made very few converts.  "We're the exact same as you, so please join our club!" Why? Why would I join a club of old people trying to act young? Below are graphs on the Catholic Church in the United States from Index of Leading Catholic Indicators, a book written in 2003 by Kenneth Jones, a graduate of [...]

7 03, 2024

Is the Eucharist a “Prize For the Perfect”?

By |2024-03-05T05:30:51+00:00March 7th, 2024|Theology|

Many modernist-heretics since the 1970s have purposefully conflated the requirement to receive Holy Communion in a state of grace with the notion of receiving Holy Communion in a state of perfection.  This is purposeful and diabolical ambiguity.  The Bible and the Catholic Church have always taught that one must receive Holy Communion in "a state of grace."  One need not be in a "state of perfection" (normally seen as the unitive stage of prayer, or the religious state or the state of being a bishop) to receive Holy Communion. In light of the above purposeful-conflation, modernist heretics since the 1970s have often said things like "The Eucharist is not a [...]

5 03, 2024

Who Gave Priests the Right To Defend Traditional Catholicism?

By |2024-03-05T15:27:06+00:00March 5th, 2024|Theology|

Anyone who tries to phone me knows that my device is in "airplane mode" about ¾ of the day and then in "moon mode" the other ¼ of the day.  This isn't to be rude, but because a traditional priest has several hours of prayer a day.  Due to this (and not having a community with whom to share various duties) my only time for "reading" is while washing dishes or cleaning my hermitage or running to the hospital for extreme unction.  Thus, I listen to pre-downloaded audio-books or podcasts or Rosaries on airplane-mode much of the day while not in prayer or writing.  My goal is to then turn [...]

29 02, 2024

The Scarcity Principal on the Deposit of the Faith

By |2024-03-04T02:22:18+00:00February 29th, 2024|Theology|

Knowing that you were ransomed from the futile ways inherited from your forefathers, not with perishable things such as silver or gold, but with the Precious Blood of Christ, like that of a lamb without blemish or spot.—1 Pt 1:18-19. The above quote from Sacred Scripture shows that the Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ is objectively of infinite value to our salvation from sin, death, hell and demons.  But many Catholics today subjectively take the shed-blood of Jesus for granted.  As I have written before, a diocesan bishop once admitted to me that 80% of the Catholics in his Archdiocese received Holy Communion in a state of mortal sin [...]

27 02, 2024

Fr. Leo: Denver’s Priestly Martyr of the 20th Century

By |2024-02-27T03:59:13+00:00February 27th, 2024|Theology|

The Martyrdom of Father Leo Heinrichs OFM, by David Gabler, citing the February 1908 edition of the Denver Catholic Register: Father Leo Heinrichs woke up the morning of Feb. 23, 1908, and prepared for the 6 a.m. Mass at St. Elizabeth of Hungary Parish in Denver. While he normally said the 8 a.m. Mass, Father Leo asked his vicar, Father Wulstan Workman, if he would switch on account of a meeting he had later that morning. It was the last Mass the Franciscan priest ever celebrated. While distributing Holy Communion, an Italian immigrant named Giuseppe Alia approached the altar rail, and knelt down to receive Holy Communion as given to [...]

25 02, 2024

IVF Kills Thirty Children For Every One That Survives

By |2024-02-25T16:56:19+00:00February 25th, 2024|Theology|

In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) is defined by Yale Medicine as "a procedure that involves retrieving a woman's eggs and a man's sperm sample and combining the two in a laboratory dish."  Most Catholics in the pro-life movement are against IVF because "IVF replaces the marital act with a laboratory act and that an affront to the dignity of a child who is conceived." While that is true, the main reason we should be against IVF is not a violation of the 6th Commandment, but rather a violation of the 5th Commandment:  IVF eradicates many embryos (new individuals) to yield only a few living children.  A Catholic woman named Jenny Vaughn [...]

22 02, 2024

Christ’s Revelation Is Built Upon Natural Law

By |2024-02-22T14:16:15+00:00February 22nd, 2024|Theology|

Top-left: St. Thomas Aquinas.  Top-right: Person at  funeral for trans.-person at St. Patrick's Cathedral in NYC, p/c Time Magazine. Recently, someone asked me about the Catholic Church's teaching on "transgenderism." Before we get to theology, we must realize that certain members of society identify as "transvestite." Transvestite means "one who has changed clothes."  It is obviously possible to change your clothes, whether this be for ordered reasons (like a certain male-martyr described in the ancient Roman Martyrology who dressed up as a woman to save a Christian woman in a Roman prison in order to replace her) or for disordered reasons, like a man erroneously believing he is a woman. [...]

20 02, 2024

15 Signs of a Toxic Spiritual Director

By |2024-02-20T14:33:43+00:00February 20th, 2024|Theology|

Recently, a friend emailed me her concerns surrounding a traditional Catholic priest our age who insists he must be the director of various women we know.  We agreed he manifests at least half of the following 15 signs of toxic-religion as seen in PsycheCentral: It begins with dichotomous thinking, dividing people into two parts. Those who agree with the narcissists beliefs and those who don’t. Interestingly, only the narcissist is the judge and jury of who belongs on which side. Your opinion is insignificant. Then the narcissist makes fun of, belittles, and shows prejudice towards other beliefs. This tactic is done to remind you that if you change your views, [...]

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