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29 06, 2023

The Red-Herrings Upon Which Canceled-Clergy Are Hanged

By |2023-07-02T12:12:22+00:00June 29th, 2023|Theology|

A red-herring is defined as “something that misleads or distracts from a relevant or important question.” In this blog post, I will use that term to describe the false-pretext upon which good bishops and good priests are removed from ministry.  A "canceled priest" or a "canceled bishop" is one who is removed for unjust reasons, never for being a real-criminal.  Recently, at the Conference for the Coalition of Canceled Priests, Brian McCall gave a phenomenal talk on the definition of a canceled priest and the limits of obedience according to St. Thomas Aquinas. Every canceled-priest has a real-reason and a fake-reason why he is on the shelf.  For example, Fr. [...]

27 06, 2023

Liberation Theology and Synodality

By |2023-06-27T14:29:01+00:00June 27th, 2023|Theology|

"Liberation Theology" is a Marxist heresy that developed in Latin America during the 1970s and 1980s declaring that the way to liberate the poor was not liberation from sin, but rather liberation from oppression, even to the point of using violence against the upper-class and middle-class. Like all Marxist movements, it lost control of its violence. The epicenter of "liberation theology" in the 1980s was Nicaragua when countless bishops and priests supported the Marxist "Sandisista" movement. Malachi Martin, in his 1987 New York Times Bestseller, The Jesuits, explains this movement of Marxist priests and bishops: It was a dream come true. A dream put into clear words by the same [...]

26 06, 2023

Balancing Meekness and Boldness

By |2023-06-27T14:26:31+00:00June 26th, 2023|Life|

Earlier today, some conservative non-traditional Catholics on Twitter got mad at me for pointing out that what Pope John Paul II did in Assisi in 1986 was just as bad (or almost as bad) as the Pachamama event of 2019.  If you doubt the evil of Assisi '86, read this OnePeterFive article.  One paragraph in that article explains one of the most horrendous things that happened in Assisi in 1986: At this meeting, under [Pope John Paul II's] presidency, representatives of many Christian churches, together with an assortment of Hindus, Tibetan lamas, Japanese bonzes, tribal snake worshippers, and animists of all sorts performed their respective rites, some of the less [...]

26 06, 2023

VLX Special: Recorded at Loyola, Spain

By |2023-06-26T13:55:02+00:00June 26th, 2023|Podcasts, Sermons, Talks|

I was in Loyola, Basque country. At the location of the birth and conversion of St. Ignatius of Loyola, I explain to our 80 American pilgrims the way of St. Ignatius’ prayer and discernment. This was the instructions on the interior life that captured the heart and mind of millions, including St. Francis Xavier, the dear friend of St. Ignatius.

22 06, 2023

Ten Tips To Walking the Camino De Santiago

By |2023-06-25T18:48:57+00:00June 22nd, 2023|Theology|

In the first century, following his martyrdom in Jerusalem, the body of St. James the Greater (one of the twelve Apostles of Jesus Christ) was taken by angels and disciples back to the Northwest part of the country he had previously evangelized:  Spain, specifically Galicia.  His body was discovered nearly a millennium later, and pilgrims through the middle ages walked to Northwest Spain to the bones of the Apostle.  In fact, Santiago was one of the three greatest pilgrimage sites of the Middle Ages, next to Rome and Jerusalem. Our 2015 walking Pilgrimage across Spain By the 1970s, the Way of St. James (Camino De Santiago) had nearly [...]

20 06, 2023

Fatima, Modesty and Hell

By |2023-06-19T20:00:14+00:00June 20th, 2023|Theology|

As many Catholics know, the three children of Fatima had a vision in 1917 of many souls falling into hell.  In fact, they described it as a multitude of souls falling "into hell like snowflakes."  Bl. Jacinta (a Fatima visionary who died young) said, “The sins which cause most souls to go to hell are the sins of the flesh.”  Fr. Bernard Kunkel then adds the following: "Our Blessed Mother knew in advance the moral havoc that would follow the introduction of these unholy fashions. This is why she came personally at Fatima in 1917 to forewarn us. At the same time she gave the answer in advance to the question, 'Is [...]

15 06, 2023

Eastern Orthodox and the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary

By |2023-06-17T03:54:32+00:00June 15th, 2023|Theology|

If Jesus does not return soon, I look to Our Lady of Good Success who said "the total restoration of the Catholic Church" would come some time after the 19th century. Our Lady of Fatima also speaks of the Triumph of her Immaculate Heart in "an era of peace." Would this be the miraculous beginning of the Angelic Pope and Great Monarch in the 6th age of the Church before the Antichrist arrives in the 7th age? In such prophesies, we need to consider not just the Western Rite of the Catholic Church, but also the Eastern Rites. In this CPX catechism video, I explain the difference between Eastern Catholics [...]

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