This sermon was given on the feast of the Purification, 2018.

Please note that my sermons for the next month will be very short, due to fundraising events in this diocese that will take place prior to Holy Mass.

Please also note that every other Monday, I will be publishing a new class here called “Heresies and Their Remedies,” beginning with Christological heresies that began almost immediately following the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.  The first of these classes will take place with my parishioners on Sunday, 11 February.  That Sunday (as usual) I’ll podcast my sermon.  The next day, on 12 February (God-willing) I will podcast the first “Heresies and Their Remedies.”

The reason that podclass is only going to be every other week is because every other Monday I will be on Station of the Cross, a NY-based radio station that is also an EWTN-affilitate.  We will be discussing a difficult Catholic topic every evening, live at 5pm Eastern.  This will obviously be alternated  every Monday from my above “podclass” on heresy.

In two days, on Station of the Cross, I will be discussing how the genesis of  the current Church crisis was neither liturgy, nor issues of the sixth-commandment, but rather a denial of the traditional teaching of the inerrancy of Sacred Scripture.  This didn’t enter the seminaries until sometime between 1905 and 1915.  These radio shows will not be produced here, but rather only at the above link.

Now for today’s sermon: