Knowing that you were ransomed from the futile ways inherited from your forefathers, not with perishable things such as silver or gold, but with the Precious Blood of Christ, like that of a lamb without blemish or spot.—1 Pt 1:18-19.
The above quote from Sacred Scripture shows that the Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ is objectively of infinite value to our salvation from sin, death, hell and demons. But many Catholics today subjectively take the shed-blood of Jesus for granted. As I have written before, a diocesan bishop once admitted to me that 80% of the Catholics in his Archdiocese received Holy Communion in a state of mortal sin every Sunday. And I agree with him. (I have no problem with him admitting that to me, except the casual manner in which he presented it.))
Earlier this year, I wrote an article titled Moving the Overton Window on Schism. In it, I tried to describe the divide in the Church between Apostolic Catholics and modernist heretics as something ready to crack. Unlike past times in Church history (except possibly the Arian crisis) we see that the hierarchy is greatly composed of such modernists. Yes, even “decent bishops” in the United States sound like drones of each-other saying things like, “While we know that hell exists, we do not know if any humans are there.” In any case, the point of my above-linked article was that the internal schism becoming an external schism would not be a tragedy, but rather the much-needed pressure-release for the faithful who follow Christ and the perennial teachings of the Catholic Church. That is, the internal schism must soon become an external schism, as we have two “faiths” allegedly occupying one Church.
Another good thing for “traditionalists” (read: Catholics) for having defended the Faith despite the hierarchy since the early 1960s is that they have come to cherish a faith that one might have taken for granted if it had not been attacked. For example, I never would have come to know the Traditional Latin Mass (and the other six old-rite Roman sacraments) if it had not become impossible for me to find a single diocese in the USA where I could have done a reverent Novus Ordo Mass in a so-called “conservative” manner without constant sacrilege of the Eucharist at the hands of lay Eucharistic Monsters, I mean, Ministers. The window for conservatives (as I was) in narrowing. One must either soon become a liberal “Catholic” or a full Apostolic Catholic following Jesus Christ alone, along with His Holy Mother the Theotokos.
In the first paragraph above (below the Scripture quote from St. Peter) I explained the Precious Blood of Jesus is objectively of infinite value, but within certain times in Church history we have seen it subjectively degraded, often through the Faith being taken for granted. We who have come to know Apostolic Catholicism against the contrast of modernist heresies everywhere have—in some sense—gained a higher perceived value of cost of the precious blood of Jesus. (“Perceived Value of Cost” is one of the only business terms I know, but it fits here.)
Here is where we get to the title of this article: The Scarcity Principal on the Deposit of the Faith. If traditionalists had not endured modernists tackling every aspect of doctrine and the sacraments over the past 66 years, we never would have gained such a high perceived-value of cost of the traditional doctrine and the traditional form of the sacraments of the Catholic Church. And for this we need to be extremely thankful. No sarcasm here. I mean it.
Perhaps the reason why God allows certain people attempt to destroy the Church is because those of us who try to maintain the true Faith now see the value of it. This is something we may not have done without the Church crisis. Again, no sarcasm here. One business website gave this definition of the Scarcity Principle: “When a product or service is low in supply, consumer demand rises as people want to purchase it before it becomes unavailable.” That is where we are at: Orthodoxy is in high demand among the young because they see so little of it in the old.
Old-school Catholicism seems to be on the decline, but that’s only partially true. Many unlikely people (including numerous people from Generation Z are coming to the old-school Faith, as Stine’s Return to Tradition recently revealed here.) They have discovered they no longer want any counterfeit of the True Faith, but the Original in Doctrine and Liturgy. The modernists (in bringing tradition to a low-supply through travesties like Trad. Cust.) have ironically caused a rise in consumer-demand of Apostolic Catholicism. I hate to use business terms for objective truth, but it fits in this case. This is the Scarcity Principle not only in business, but apparently even in our subjective approach to the infinite value of the Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ.
Of course, at the objective level, the cost of Our Lord Jesus’ Precious Blood remains of infinite value, regardless of who benefits from it by cooperation in God’s grace.
But as the hierarchy makes the Apostolic Faith and Apostolic Mass grow in scarcity, they inadvertently also make it grow in our desire to guard and cherish it. I truly thank Divine Providence for these would-be destroyers of the Church. Why? Because they make me love and defend a Faith and Mass that I myself probably would have taken for granted, had I been born 100 years earlier. Thank you, God, that I was born in 1978. Now I know how to fight for You.

“Agnus Dei” by José Campeche, early 19th c., currently kept in El Museo de Arte de Puerto Rico.