Happy Easter, Christ is Risen!  Christ is Truly Risen!

As you know, I was taking care of my mother medically and sacramentally before she fell asleep in the Lord.  I thank you all so much for the prayers for the repose of my mother’s soul.   To keep up my normal life of prayer this Spring of 2023, I could only keep up on my website, not the videos or podcasts, at least while helping my family and others locally.  However, most of my productions are coming back this Spring.  The following items are quite boring and long-winded, so I put the following topics in order of importance, starting with the most important on my production schedule:

  1. Thank you to all who support me spiritually and materially. As you know, I receive health-insurance from my Archdiocese as a priest in good standing. (As a hermit, I don’t expect a salary since I’m not in parish life, so I’m not complaining.) All my ministry expenses, as well as room and board come from you, my donors. Thank you so much for that, and even more for praying for me.
  2. I pray for you all at every Mass and in the Divine Office and Rosaries. Besides my online education to you, prayer is my best gift to the Church-at-large and for the conversion of unbelievers.
  3. My Scripture VLX and my catechesis RCT are returning this week. Since YouTube is trying to censor me, please ask a friend (yes, just one friend!) to subscribe to me on YouTube or Apple or Rumble to help grow this catechesis project. You can also send the CPX series to someone who wants to learn traditional Catholicism in about 100 hours.  If you speak any foreign languages, please text me or email me at the email found on this page if you can help with the EIX series that explains Apostolic Catholicism to unbelievers of all nations.  TCE will hopefully re-start, too, but I had to delete most good TCE videos because of censorship against my anti-communist stance on things.  That’s why I highly encourage you to subscribe on Apple or Rumble, links above.
  4. My Sunday Sermon Series (SSS) may not return until the winter, partly because I will be the chaplain to a June Pilgrimage to the Marian Shrines of France, Spain and Portugal.  I am also a chaplain to an October trip to the Holy Land.  As you know, my donors do not pay for these trips.  Lay pilgrims’ cost always includes chaplains.  We still have openings for you to join us as pilgrims!  Please text me or email me at the email on this page if you want more information on the June trip to Europe or the October trip to Israel.  I am going to livestream Gospel meditations and Church history facts from those sites for you.  Again, you my donors are not paying for these international pilgrimages.
  5. If you donate to me on Zelle or PayPal or Continue to Give and you did not get an Easter letter from me, please text me or email me at the email found on this page to give me your snail-mail address or phone number.  Of course, I never give out any of my donors’ or friends’ contact information to other charities, or even to any other friends.  Friends can text me prayer requests at any time.  Such requests almost always make it into my time praying the Divine Office and usually become major intentions at my next Holy Mass.  As you know, I never take Mass stipends, for I always have many major intentions at Holy Mass (and I don’t like anything that even remotely smacks of simony.)
  6. I have not really seen friends for months due to the family emergency.  So, please don’t think I have been ignoring anyone on purpose.  The hermit-thing is not a total farce as I really do try to pray and study about four hours a day, even on-the-go.  Also, kind people have reached out to me on Facebook Private Message (PM) and Twitter Direct Message (DM).  Please be aware I never read PMs or DMs on social media.  However, I respond to all donors’ and friends’ texts within 24 hours; I respond to nearly all emails within two weeks at the email found on my Donate page.  (You don’t need to donate to me to email me, obviously.  It’s just the online location where I keep my public email.)
  7. I had to add short front-end ads to my YouTube to keep the channel from getting shut down during this time of them heavily censoring me for my conservative views.  This decision will probably make me about $20 a year, so keep in mind I still need you, my donors. These silly ads are just one last attempt to keep me from getting de-platformed, not to make a few pennies on each video.  But let’s not let YT stop us in preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ and Apostolic Catholicism.  Please tell a friend about these podcasts and have them subscribe on their Android podcast app at “Padre Peregrino.”  Or follow “Padre Peregrino” on Apple or Rumble where I sustain much less censorship than YT.  All the catechesis I put out is is always free for rich and poor, for donor and non-donor alike.  Nothing is ever under a “Patreon subscription” and you will never see pop-up ads on this website.  Let’s get the truth of traditional Catholicism out there.
  8. I have a new medical pro-life item that was expensive but may save lives. Thank you for funding it. I still try to get to the abortion center most Wednesdays. My Red Rose Rescue trial in New Jersey was delayed, which providentially allowed me to be with my mother in her last days on earth.

God bless and keep you all!

Fr. David Nix