p/c to @MrsCasey6 on Twitter.  (It’s not me at the altar.)

A Little Thank You to My Donors…

I was talking to a friend today complaining how I am having trouble getting my swimming legs for my 15 resolutions a day on prayer and apostolate and personal health.  As I was complaining, I was explaining that I no longer have any excuse of living homeless or not being sure where my money was coming from.   I complained how bad I was at emails and letters and that I no longer had any excuses.  This good friend told me to rest in the Lord, explaining that going from major amounts of PTSD to a fully active apostolate again can take some time.

But as much as this reduced my guilt for sluggishness, it hit me how thankful I am to my donors.  Thanks to you, my readers and listeners, I have a clean condo, good health, everything I need for Mass, the Divine Office books all year, equipment for sacraments on-the-go, nice tea from China, medals for street evangelization, gas for driving to the abortion center to pray silently, food to eat and even all the technology items needed to continue my online teaching ministry, jankity as this website might be.

Yes, I have everything I need to be a monk-missionary, including food and a very clean hermitage.  And this is all thanks to you.  I am praying more and more for my donors and above my altar I have a sign that is always there that reads I pray for all benefactors spiritual and material (& potential) as well as all listeners and readers and all their family members living and dead.

Any lack-of-generosity in my correspondence to you in letters and email is my fault.  (I will get to your letters!) But I want to thank you again for your great generosity to me.  It is because of you that I have all of my room and board and equipment for apostolate.  I pray that God reward you all greatly.