There are now six sections to my blog:

  1. Theology (default reading when you put in “pilgrim priest” or “padre peregrino” to the url);
  2. Talks (Please see the longer description at the bottom of this post);
  3. Life (I just started monthly stories about myself);
  4. Español (rarely updated);
  5. About Padre (my permanent bio with an ever-changing Twitter feed) and
  6. Donate(now seeking one-time and monthly donors.)

You can find these six-sections at the top of your desktop or laptop screen:

Or, if you read my blog on your phone, the pull-down menu bar is here:

Then, select one of the six:

TALKS:  My new teaching channel got delayed due to my commentaries on the United States falling apart before a virus and race riots, but later this summer I’ll be launching the new YouTube teaching-channel called Padre Peregrino. It will be 3x/wk of 10-min videos called Video Lectio Divinas (VLX) teaching you how to do Catholic meditation. It will also be 3x/wk of a 10-min video series teaching the Catechism of Pius X (CPX.) Subscribe at YouTube’s “Padre Peregrino” (above) for video and audio of both VLX and CPX which will probably alternate every other day. For audio-alone, just stay on Apple Podcasts “Padre Peregrino” or search the same on Android using the free app “CastBox” or similar app.   VLX and CPX will mostly be a replacement of my current podcasts. Everything will be free on YT and podcasts, of course.

Please subscribe to one of those!